Optativa de la Licenciatura Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
* ALMA Cycle 10 Technical Handbook, Doc.
10.3, ver. 1.3, ALMA, 2023
* Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio
Astronomy. R. Thompson, J. M. Moran, G. Swenson 2001
* Calibration and imaging challenges at low
frequencies. APS Conf Ser vol 40, 17, 2009
* Essential Radio Astronomy (ERA), J.J.
Condon & S.M. Ransom. Princeton Series in Modern Observational
Astronomy, 2016
* An Introduction to Radio Astronomy. B. Burke
& F. Graham-Smith, 2014
* Advances in calibration and imaging in radio
interferometry. Proc IEEE, vol. 97, N8, 2008
* Introducción a la Física del Medio
Interestelar, R. Estalella, G. Anglada, Edicions UB, 1999
* Active Galactic Nuclei (Princeton Series in
Astrophysics), J. H. Krolik, 1998
* Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An
Introduction. P. Schneider, 2006
* Physical processes in the interstellar medium,
L. Spitzer, 1998
* Radioastronomy and interstellar matter. J.
Lequeux, 1976
* The formation of stars. S. W. Stahler & F.
Palla, 2005
* Introducción a la astrofísica relativista. G.
E. Romero y J. M. Paredes, 2012, Ed. U. Barcelona
* Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei: An
Introduction. A. K. Kembhavi & J. V. Narlikar, 1999
* Páginas web: ALMA, JVLA, NOEMA, LOFAR, SKA,