Astronomy: research and teaching

My Curriculum-Vitae (in 2 pages)


Current position
2021 - Researcher of CONICET (National Research Council, Argentina) at National Radioastronomy Institute (IAR), Argentina
Topics: X-ray binaries, neutron stars, black holes, supernova remnants, pulsar timing.

Recent paper in Nature Astronomy
Coupling between the accreting corona and the relativistic jet in GRS 1915+105 (Méndez, Karpouzas, García+2022, Nature Astronomy)
Associated Press Releases: CONICET La Plata | IAR

Last papers on variable Comptonisation in X-ray binaries
The evolving properties of GRS 1915+105 ... (Garcia+2022, MNRAS in press)
The evolution of the corona in MAXI J1535-571 ... (Zhang+2022, MNRAS 512, 2686)
A variable corona for GRS 1915+105 (Karpouzas+2021, MNRAS 503, 5522)
A two-component Comptonisation model ... (Garcia+2021, MNRAS 501, 3173)
The Comptonising medium of the NS in ... (Karpouzas+2020, MNRAS 492, 1399)

Other recent papers
Variability and phase lags in MAXI J1348-630... (Alabarta+2022, MNRAS, in press)
The high-frequency variability in GRS 1915+105... (Zhang+2022, MNRAS, in press)
Electromagnetic signatures from SMBBHs ... (Gutiérrez+2022, ApJ 928, 137)
A NuSTAR observation of OAO 1657-415 ... (Saavedra+2022, A&A 659, 48)
Vela pulsar: single pulses analysis with ML (Lousto+2022, MNRAS 509, 5790)
Progenitors of low-mass BBHs ... (Garcia+2021, A&A 649, 114)

PuMA Collaboration papers (Pulsar Monitoring in Argentina)
Vela pulsar: single pulses analysis with machine learning techniques (Lousto+2022, MNRAS 509, 5790)
PSR J0437-4715: IAR 2019-2020 Observational Campaign (Sosa Fiscella+2021, ApJ 908, 158)
Upgraded antennas for pulsar observations in the IAR (Gancio+2020, A&A 633, A84)

Nature Paper
A surge of light at the birth of SN2016gkg (Bersten, Folatelli, García+2018, Nature, 25151). Also available in ArXiV:1802.09360.

Full publication list
Member of:
Previous positions
2019-2021 - Postdoctoral Researcher at Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
2017-2019 - PostDoc LABEX at AIM CEA Paris Saclay - Université Paris Diderot - CNRS, France
2016-2017 - Post-Doctoral Fellow of CONICET (National Research Council, Argentina) at Argentine Radioastronomical Institute (IAR) and member of Group of Relativistic Astrophysics and Radioastronomy (GARRA).
2011-2016 - PhD Fellow of CONICET at IAR and member of GARRA.


Teaching at Faculty of Astronomy and Geophysics of the National University of La Plata