OpenType Font Handling

OpenType Font Handling — Obtaining information from OpenType tables


typedef     PangoOTTag;
enum        PangoOTTableType;
PangoOTInfo* pango_ot_info_get              (FT_Face face);
gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_script       (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag script_tag,
                                             guint *script_index);
gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_language     (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             PangoOTTag language_tag,
                                             guint *language_index,
                                             guint *required_feature_index);
gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_feature      (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag feature_tag,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             guint language_index,
                                             guint *feature_index);
PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_scripts      (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type);
PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_languages    (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             PangoOTTag language_tag);
PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_features     (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag tag,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             guint language_index);
PangoOTBuffer* pango_ot_buffer_new          (PangoFcFont *font);
void        pango_ot_buffer_destroy         (PangoOTBuffer *buffer);
void        pango_ot_buffer_clear           (PangoOTBuffer *buffer);
void        pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph       (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             guint glyph,
                                             guint properties,
                                             guint cluster);
void        pango_ot_buffer_set_rtl         (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             gboolean rtl);
void        pango_ot_buffer_set_zero_width_marks
                                            (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             gboolean zero_width_marks);
void        pango_ot_buffer_get_glyphs      (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             PangoOTGlyph **glyphs,
                                             int *n_glyphs);
void        pango_ot_buffer_output          (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs);
PangoOTRuleset* pango_ot_ruleset_new        (PangoOTInfo *info);
void        pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature    (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint feature_index,
                                             gulong property_bit);
void        pango_ot_ruleset_substitute     (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTBuffer *buffer);
void        pango_ot_ruleset_position       (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTBuffer *buffer);


Functions and macros in this section are used to implement the OpenType Layout features and algorithms. These are mostly useful when writing Fontconfig-based shaping engines



typedef guint32  PangoOTTag;

The PangoOTTag typedef is used to represent TrueType and OpenType four letter tags inside Pango. Use the FT_MAKE_TAG() macro defined in the FreeType2 header freetype/freetype.h to create PangoOTTags manually.


typedef struct _PangoOTInfo PangoOTInfo;

The PangoOTInfo struct contains the various tables associated with an OpenType font. It contains only private fields and should only be accessed via the pango_ot_info_* functions which are documented below. To obtain a PangoOTInfo, use pango_ot_info_new().


typedef struct _PangoOTBuffer PangoOTBuffer;

The PangoOTBuffer structure is used to store strings of glyphs associated with a PangoFcFont, suitable for OpenType layout processing. It contains only private fields and should only be accessed via the pango_ot_buffer_* functions which are documented below. To obtain a PangoOTBuffer, use pango_ot_buffer_new().


typedef struct {
  guint    glyph;
  guint    properties;
  guint    cluster;
  gushort  component;
  gushort  ligID;
  gushort  property_cache;    /* Internal */
} PangoOTGlyph;

The PangoOTGlyph structure represents a single glyph together with information used for OpenType layout processing of the glyph. It contains the following fields.

guint glyph; the glyph itself.
guint properties; the properties value, identifying which features should be applied on this glyph. See pango_ruleset_add_feature().
guint cluster; the cluster that this glyph belongs to.
gushort component; a component value, set by the OpenType layout engine.
gushort ligID; a ligature index value, set by the OpenType layout engine.
gushort property_cache; for internal use.


typedef struct _PangoOTRuleset PangoOTRuleset;

The PangoOTRuleSet structure holds a set of features selected from the tables in an OpenType font. (A feature is an operation such as adjusting glyph positioning that should be applied to a text feature such as a certain type of accent.) A PangoOTRuleSet is created with pango_ot_ruleset_new(), features are addded to it with pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature(), then it is applied to a PangoGlyphString with pango_ot_ruleset_shape().

enum PangoOTTableType

typedef enum 
} PangoOTTableType;

The PangoOTTableType enumeration values are used to identify the various OpenType tables in the pango_ot_info_* functions.



#define PANGO_OT_ALL_GLYPHS		((guint)0xFFFF)

This is used as the property bit in pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature() when a feature should be applied to all glyphs.



This is used as the language index in pango_ot_info_find_feature() when a the default language system of the script is desired.

pango_ot_info_get ()

PangoOTInfo* pango_ot_info_get              (FT_Face face);

Returns the PangoOTInfo structure for the given FreeType font.

face : a FT_Face.
Returns : the PangoOTInfo for face. This object will have the same lifetime as face.

Since 1.2

pango_ot_info_find_script ()

gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_script       (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag script_tag,
                                             guint *script_index);

Finds the index of a script.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
script_tag : the tag of the script to find.
script_index : location to store the index of the script, or NULL.
Returns : TRUE if the script was found.

pango_ot_info_find_language ()

gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_language     (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             PangoOTTag language_tag,
                                             guint *language_index,
                                             guint *required_feature_index);

Finds the index of a language and its required feature index.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
script_index : the index of the script whose languages are searched.
language_tag : the tag of the language to find.
language_index : location to store the index of the language, or NULL.
required_feature_index : location to store the required feature index of the language, or NULL.
Returns : TRUE if the language was found.

pango_ot_info_find_feature ()

gboolean    pango_ot_info_find_feature      (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag feature_tag,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             guint language_index,
                                             guint *feature_index);

Finds the index of a feature.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
feature_tag : the tag of the feature to find.
script_index : the index of the script.
language_index : the index of the language whose features are searched, or PANGO_OT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE to use the default language of the script.
feature_index : location to store the index of the feature, or NULL.
Returns : TRUE if the feature was found.

pango_ot_info_list_scripts ()

PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_scripts      (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type);

Obtains the list of available scripts.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
Returns : a newly-allocated array containing the tags of the available scripts.

pango_ot_info_list_languages ()

PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_languages    (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             PangoOTTag language_tag);

Obtains the list of available languages for a given script.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
script_index : the index of the script to list languages for.
language_tag : unused parameter.
Returns : a newly-allocated array containing the tags of the available languages.

pango_ot_info_list_features ()

PangoOTTag* pango_ot_info_list_features     (PangoOTInfo *info,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             PangoOTTag tag,
                                             guint script_index,
                                             guint language_index);

Obtains the list of features for the given language of the given script.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
table_type : the table type to obtain information about.
tag : unused parameter.
script_index : the index of the script to obtain information about.
language_index : the indes of the language to list features for, or PANGO_OT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, to list features for the default language of the script.
Returns : a newly-allocated array containing the tags of the available features.

pango_ot_buffer_new ()

PangoOTBuffer* pango_ot_buffer_new          (PangoFcFont *font);

Creates a new PangoOTBuffer for the given OpenType font.

font : a PangoFcFont
Returns : the newly allocated PangoOTBuffer, which should be freed with pango_ot_buffer_destroy().

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_destroy ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_destroy         (PangoOTBuffer *buffer);

Destroys a PangoOTBuffer and free all associated memory.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_clear ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_clear           (PangoOTBuffer *buffer);

Empties a PangoOTBuffer, make it ready to add glyphs to.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph       (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             guint glyph,
                                             guint properties,
                                             guint cluster);

Appends a glyph to a PangoOTBuffer, with properties identifying which features should be applied on this glyph. See pango_ruleset_add_feature().

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer
glyph : the glyph index to add, like a PangoGlyph
properties : the glyph properties
cluster : the cluster that this glyph belongs to

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_set_rtl ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_set_rtl         (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             gboolean rtl);

Sets whether glyphs will be rendered right-to-left. This setting is needed for proper horizontal positioning of right-to-left scripts.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer
rtl : TRUE for right-to-left text

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_set_zero_width_marks ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_set_zero_width_marks
                                            (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             gboolean zero_width_marks);

Sets whether characters with a mark class should be forced to zero width. This setting is needed for proper positioning of Arabic accents, but will produce incorrect results with standard OpenType indic fonts.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer
zero_width_marks : TRUE if characters with a mark class should be forced to zero width.

Since 1.6

pango_ot_buffer_get_glyphs ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_get_glyphs      (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             PangoOTGlyph **glyphs,
                                             int *n_glyphs);

Gets the glyph array contained in a PangoOTBuffer. The glyphs are owned by the buffer and should not be freed, and are only valid as long as buffer is not modified.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer
glyphs : location to store the array of glyphs, or NULL
n_glyphs : location to store the number of glyphs, or NULL

Since 1.4

pango_ot_buffer_output ()

void        pango_ot_buffer_output          (PangoOTBuffer *buffer,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs);

Exports the glyphs in a PangoOTBuffer into a PangoGlyphString. This is typically used after the OpenType layout processing is over, to convert the resulting glyphs into a generic Pango glyph string.

buffer : a PangoOTBuffer
glyphs : a PangoGlyphString

Since 1.4

pango_ot_ruleset_new ()

PangoOTRuleset* pango_ot_ruleset_new        (PangoOTInfo *info);

Creates a new PangoOTRuleset for the given OpenType info.

info : a PangoOTInfo.
Returns : the newly allocated PangoOTRuleset, which should be freed with g_object_unref().

pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature ()

void        pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature    (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTTableType table_type,
                                             guint feature_index,
                                             gulong property_bit);

Adds a feature to the ruleset.

ruleset : a PangoOTRuleset.
table_type : the table type to add a feature to.
feature_index : the index of the feature to add.
property_bit : the property bit to use for this feature. Used to identify the glyphs that this feature should be applied to, or PANGO_OT_ALL_GLYPHS if it should be applied to all glyphs.

pango_ot_ruleset_substitute ()

void        pango_ot_ruleset_substitute     (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTBuffer *buffer);

Performs the OpenType GSUB substitution on buffer using the features in ruleset

ruleset : a PangoOTRuleset.
buffer : a PangoOTBuffer.

Since 1.4

pango_ot_ruleset_position ()

void        pango_ot_ruleset_position       (PangoOTRuleset *ruleset,
                                             PangoOTBuffer *buffer);

Performs the OpenType GPOS positionoing on buffer using the features in ruleset

ruleset : a PangoOTRuleset.
buffer : a PangoOTBuffer.

Since 1.4