Publication list
Numerical Relativity and General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
Handing-Off the
Outcome of Binary Neutron Star Mergers for Accurate and Long-Term Post-Merger Simulations
Lopez Armengol, F.G., Etienne, Z.B., Noble, S.C., et al., submitted (2021)
signatures from supermassive binary black holes approaching merger
Gutiérrez, E.M., Combi, L., Noble, S.C., et al., The Astrophysical Journal 928, 137 (2022)
accretion onto spinning black hole binaries: quasi-periodicities and outflows
Combi, L., Lopez Armengol, F.G., Campanelli, M., et al. submitted (2021)
new method for simulating the post-merger phase of binary neutron star mergers with GRMHD, tabulated
EOS and neutrino leakage
Murguia-Berthier, A., Noble, S.C., Roberts, L.F., et al., The Astrophysical Journal 919, 95 (2021)
A superposed metric for
spinning black hole binaries approaching merger
Combi, L., Lopez Armengol, F.G., Campanelli, M., et al., Physical Review D 104, 044041 (2021)
Circumbinary Disk Accretion into
Spinning Black Hole Binaries
Lopez Armengol, F.G., Combi, L., Campanelli, M., et al., The Astrophysical Journal 913, 16 (2021)
Numerical relativity in
spherical coordinates: A new dynamical spacetime and general relativistic MHD evolution framework for
the Einstein Toolkit
Mewes, V., Zlochower, Y., Campanelli, M., et al., Physical Review D 101, 10 (2020)
Pulsar Monitoring in Argentina
Vela pulsar: single pulses
analysis with machine learning techniques
PuMA Collaboration, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 4 (2022)
new Glitch in the Vela Pulsar (PSR B0833-45/PSR J0835-4510)
PuMA Collaboration (2018), ATel #14806
PSR J0437-4715: The Argentine
Institute of Radioastronomy 2019–2020 Observational Campaign
PuMA Collaboration, The Astrophysical Journal 908, 158 (2021)
antennas for pulsar observations in the Argentine Institute of Radio astronomy
PuMA Collaboration, Astronomy & Astrophysics 633, A84 (2020)
Radio observations following the recent glitch
of Vela Pulsar (PSR B0833-45)
PuMA Collaboration (2018), ATel #12482
Follow up of the radio flare from the magnetar
XTE J1810-197 at 1.4 GHz
PuMA Collaboration (2018), ATel #12323
Modified Gravity and Foundations of Physics
Cosmological black holes and the
direction of time
G.E. Romero, D. Pérez, F.G. Lopez Armengol, Foundations of Science, 23: 415 (2018)
Interpretation Misunderstandings
about Elementary Quantum Mechanics
F.G. Lopez Armengol, G.E. Romero, Metatheoria, 7(2), 55-60 (2017)
Effects of Scalar-Tensor-Vector
Gravity on relativistic jets
F.G. Lopez Armengol, G.E. Romero, Astrophysics and Space Science, 362: 214 (2017)
Accretion disks around black
holes in Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity
D. Pérez, F.G. Lopez Armengol, G.E. Romero, Physical Review D 95, 104047 (2017)
Neutron stars in
Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity
F.G. Lopez Armengol, G.E. Romero, General Relativity and Gravitation, 49 (2), 1-15 (2017)
Check-out the visualizations of some of our simulations: